
Colorado Technical University Emergency Management Opportunities

Colorado Technical University appears in our ranking of the Top 20 Emergency Management Degree Online Programs.

Colorado Technical University offers a few different options for studying emergency management that include a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, and a doctoral degree with various focuses. Not only can students earn certain degrees at the university’s campus, but they can also earn their degrees through Colorado Technical University Online. Graduating with a degree in an area of homeland security, criminal justice, and emergency management can help students find work in the public or private sector in security, law, justice, and many more areas. Degrees are appropriate for students who already have a degree and wish to pursue a career change, as well as students who don’t yet have significant experience in the workforce and are interested in the excitement of studying emergency management.

Some of the helpful features of the degree programs at Colorado Technical University include the opportunity to participate in “Fast Track” exams that help students earn credits for classes with which a student already has experience. Not only can students come to the program with previously-earned credits, but they can also earn credits more quickly while attending Colorado Technical University. Students who enroll in the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice – Homeland Security and Emergency Management degree program will need to complete 182 credits to graduate and can take classes online or at the Colorado Springs campus. Classes a student may take include Introduction to Homeland Security, Terrorism: Origins, Ideologies and Goals, Understanding Critical Infrastructures, and Private Sector Role in Homeland Security.

Students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree may want to consider the Master of Science in Criminal Justice – Homeland Security degree program, which offers students the information they need to manage and communicate solutions during the challenges presented in the management of emergency operations. Students must complete 48 credits to earn their graduate degree in classes like Technology Solutions for HLS, Vulnerability Analysis and Protection, and Homeland Security and Government. Students can take this program through Colorado Technical University Online, as well as the Aurora campus in the Denver area or the Colorado Springs campus.

The highest degree available in emergency management at Colorado Technical University is the Doctor of Management – Homeland Security, which is available online or on the Aurora campus in Denver. Students must complete a total of 100 credits to earn their doctorate in classes like Management Theory, Homeland Security Enterprise, Issues in Public Health and Emergency Planning, and Homeland Security Professional Development. Students can tailor their program to a specific focus that includes Leadership & Change Management or Research & Writing. These degrees were created with the intention of aligning with the educational requirements suggested by the Center for Homeland Defense and Security, Naval Postgraduate School.

About Colorado Technical University

Students enrolled in classes at Colorado Technical University can earn their degree online or at one of two campuses in Colorado. The university was established in 1965 as Colorado Technical College. The school has more than 21,000 students enrolled in its programs, which are offered within six different colleges and schools. Those divisions include the College of Business & Management, the College of Health Sciences, the College of Security Studies, the College of Project Management, the College of Security Studies, and the College of Information Systems & Technology. There are more than 1,200 part-time instructors and 40 full-time instructors employed by the university. The university was also highly ranked by “Military Times” for the quality of its programs for veterans of the armed forces.

Colorado Technical University Accreditation Details

The regional accreditation agency for Colorado Technical University is the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The university is a subsidiary of Career Education Corporation and has a variety of programs accredited by other agencies. The Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET has accredited two degrees at the Colorado Springs campus including the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and the Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering. All business degree programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs. The university was recognized as a Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education by the Department of Homeland Security and the National Security Agency for the quality of its programs.

Colorado Technical University Application Requirements

Admission to Colorado Technical University begins with a conversation with an admissions advisor who can assist in person or by phone with the application process. Students will complete their application to the university online and submit all required documentation that may include high school or college diplomas and proof of English proficiency. Students may be asked to provided details of their previous life, work, and school experience to figure out the number of classes that will be required for the student to complete his or her degree. One of the benefits of attending the university is that admissions counselors and program administrators will accept life and work experience in lieu of actual high school or college credits.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Tuition at Colorado Technical University varies for each program and is based on the number of transfer credits the school accepts. The cost per credit hour for associate’s and bachelors degree programs is $325 per credit, and students will also pay a technology fee of $220 and a graduation fee of $150. Graduate program tuition ranges from $370 per credit to $585 per credit, and students will also pay a technology fee of $220 and a graduation fee of $200. Doctoral programs cost $598 per credit and also require the technology fee and the graduation fee, as well as a $1,000 symposium fee. The symposium fee is for when a student attends a conference or other event and needs to stay in a hotel or travel to the event.

Colorado Technical University students are eligible for federal financial aid and can apply when they submit a FAFSA form to qualify for student loans, grants, and scholarships. Some of the grants available to students include the Advantage Grant, Liberty Grant, and Yellow Ribbon Grant. Scholarships available include the Career Education Scholarship Fund and the Colorado Technical University Patriot Scholarship. Students with interest in any of the homeland security and emergency management classes at Colorado Technical University should contact the College of Security Studies for more information about the scholarship and grant options that may be available.