Climate Change: Surprising Effects

  • Reduction in Arctic Glaciers
  • Loss of Natural Arctic Habitats
  • Escalation of Extreme Weather Conditions
  • Threat to Agricultural Products
  • Increase in Various Health Issues

There are many surprising effects of climate change that everyone needs to be aware of. When some people think of climate change, they may think that it only affects the weather. But what they may not realize is that it affects so many other things as well including ecosystems, food supplies, drinking water, and even our health. Five things that are hugely affected by climate change are discussed briefly below.


1. Reduction in Arctic Glaciers

One of the most alarming effects of climate change is a significant reduction in Arctic glaciers. Warmer temperatures have caused Polar ice sheets and Arctic glaciers to melt at an alarming rate. This, in turn, leads to higher sea levels and darker waters. And since darker sea waters absorb more sunlight than ice-covered water, the water becomes warm rather quickly creating an endless cycle of heating and melting.

2. Loss of Natural Arctic Habitats

As Arctic glaciers and Polar ice sheets disappear, natural habitats begin to change dramatically. Because of this, Polar animals such as the Walrus and the Polar Bear have had a difficult time surviving. According to the Environmental Defense Fund, Polar Bears were added to the National Endangered Species Act list in 2008 due to climate change and global warming.

3. Escalation of Extreme Weather Conditions

Another surprising effect of climate change is the escalation of extreme weather conditions. Extremely hot weather and droughts are becoming common all over the country, even in places where it is typically cool or cold. Warmer ocean water creates the perfect conditions for tropical storms and hurricanes that are more frequent and intense than ever before. And with higher sea levels, the damage these storms can create have the potential of being devastating.

4. Threat to Agricultural Products

The extreme heat and dry weather associated with climate change threaten the production of agricultural products. Not only are farmers faced with unpredictable water supplies, but extreme storms, fires due to dry conditions, and insects can be causes for concern as well. In many areas of the country, the brevity of the winter season encourages insect populations to increase at a rapid pace.

5. Increase in Various Health Issues

An increase in various health issues is yet another alarming effect of climate change. As the atmosphere becomes warmer, ground-level ozone (commonly known as smog) is created in some areas of the country. Smog can be quite harmful to peoples’ health by irritating the lungs and/or encouraging asthma attacks. Extreme heat can lead to severe dehydration and even death. Warmer water supplies encourage bacteria growth, which can contaminate drinking water.

A healthy environment is essential for not only our own health but also the health of our ecosystems. Climate change can negatively impact many things we encounter in our daily lives. The five surprising effects of climate change discussed above shows how essential it is that people become aware of this very important problem.