Anti-terrorism, also known as “counter-terrorism,” is best described as the “act of preventing terrorism.” Terrorism occurs when an individual or a group of individuals cause problems and unrest by fomenting violence and spreading fear in an individual, a group, a country, or even throughout the entire planet. Anti-terrorism is used to take preventative action before acts of terrorism take place.

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Challenges in Anti-Terrorism

What makes terrorism such an effective tool is those carrying it out are not bound by any moral or legal laws. They are free to do whatever they wish in order to spread fear and suspicion and to create anarchy. Those engaged in anti-terrorism do not have that luxury. They are bound by laws, both domestic and international, and that puts them at a distinct disadvantage over those they seek to stop.

Social Media

One tool that terrorists, both international and domestic, have incorporated into their nefarious game plan can be found in social media. Social media is able to be accessed from just about any location on the planet and there is very little regulation when it comes to content. At one time, the social platform Twitter announced that it would not engage in censoring any free speech, including the free speech used by suspected terrorists. As an article in Forbes pointed out, that policy has since been rolled back.

Education as an Anti-Terrorism Tool

Education can be a powerful weapon when it comes to fighting terrorism. Public awareness of the dangers of terrorism leads to increased vigilance in both the public and private sectors. One aspect of terrorism is creating the impression that an individual or a group must suffer dire consequences for actions that might not even have taken place. This happens when “fake news” sites create hysteria and panic. Educating people with actual facts removes some of the powers the terrorists have taken.

Understanding Others

For terrorism to thrive, an individual or a group must be demonized. Terrorists accomplish this by making statements that demean, belittle, mock, or distort the truth about the targeted group. Anti-terrorism groups seek to defuse potentially explosive situations by increasing awareness and understanding throughout all communities.


One of the most difficult aspects of anti-terrorism is getting inside a terrorist group. These groups, by their very nature, tend to be secretive and suspicious. The challenge of an outsider is to foster trust and camaraderie within the organization in order to ascertain what is taking place from within. In many cases, infiltration is practically an impossibility.

Communication Monitoring

In order to help stop terrorism, it is vital to monitor all avenues of communication. In an article in Forbes, the magazine reported a terrorist attack in Paris might have been aided by using a gaming console as a means of communication among the terrorists involved. Belgian minister Jan Jambon bluntly stated the PS4 console is used by terrorists for planning purposes and is extremely difficult to monitor. Rumors persist that governments are monitoring any and all electronic communications as part of an anti-terrorist program but there is no evidence to support that.

The challenges faced every day in the anti-terrorism field are great. Those challenges are met by dedicated individuals utilizing the most advanced equipment and investigate techniques to bring an end to terrorism wherever it chooses to hide.