Anyone wanting to avoid falling into monotony and boredom at their job might be interested in career fields that offer excitement and job security alike. There are actually plenty of jobs that offer these two things. Below are some of the career fields anyone looking for these qualities should consider.

Emergency Management

The field of emergency management is incredibly varied and no two jobs are wholly alike. Individuals pursuing this educational path can obtain jobs as diverse as helping clean up hazardous materials after an accident to coordinating emergency evacuation out of the path of a hurricane. It’s an excellent choice for those who love the rush of adrenaline and helping people who are desperately in need. Someone with a degree in emergency management can work for federal, state or local government bodies, or private businesses. Having a background in the military or as a first responder can be especially beneficial. This career is also expected to grow in the coming years, meaning skilled workers will enjoy good job security.

Related resource: Top 20 Emergency Management Degree Online Programs

Healthcare Professional

The healthcare field is growing and skilled workers are in high demand. There can even be some overlap with the emergency management field mentioned previously. This is particularly true for emergency medical technicians (EMTs), ER doctors and disease control specialists, who work to control outbreaks of deadly diseases. No two days are likely to be the same for just about any healthcare professional, whether they are a registered nurse or a surgical technician. Every patient and situation are unique, and both diseases and regulations change over time. People’s lives are on the line in an emergency medical situation, which requires quick thinking and responses. This makes the job of a healthcare professional one that is never boring.

Information Technology

The tech field is expanding just as much as the healthcare field. Nearly all jobs in this field offer strong job security and excitement because of the constant, unique challenges that arise. Workers in the information technology sector work with computers and computer network systems on behalf of businesses, individuals, governments, non-profits and more. Certain roles are more focused on creativity, such as web designers, while others, such as engineers, are more logically focused. A computer science degree can open up many careers in this field and there are many different roles to meet an individual’s preferences.

Private Detectives and Investigators

Every case private detectives work is wholly unique and the role is rarely boring. Job security is expected to be high because the occupation will continue to grow faster than average, as outlined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Private investigators also frequently work for themselves, which can actually have higher job security than working for an employer. Individuals will need several years of work experience before they can set up shop and be effective as private detectives. By then, potential private investigators will have on-the-job practice as well as a network of contacts they can utilize to solve the cases they are hired to crack.

A career with high job security is desired by job seekers for obvious reasons. Many more people don’t wish to be bored by their jobs and would rather invest in a career with a little more excitement. Students who are interested in jobs with these features should look into career fields that offer excitement and job security.