The majority of professionals who possess the highest Emergency Management salary have acquired a bachelor’s degree in their field. Associate’s of Science in Emergency Management Degree programs are also available, but it is ultimately through the more advanced Bachelor’s of Science in Emergency Management Degree programs that professionals acquire the enhanced skill sets, greatest marketability, and most rewarding Emergency Management Salary.

Emergency Management Salary

A typical degree program in this area entails two to four years of study in topics such as: cybersecurity, emergency management, Weapons of Mass Destruction, preparation plans for disasters, global terrorism, and environmental threats. Each year, as acts of terror and environmental concerns continue to rise, the availability of quality associate’s and bachelor’s degree programs in this field continues to rise as well. Three of the top educational facilities that offer qualified students those degree programs are reviewed below.

1. American Military University: A Bachelor of Arts in Disaster and Emergency Management Degree program is provided through this university, and it only costs $250 per credit hour to complete. American Military University is accredited by the American Public University System.

2. Red Rocks Community College: Red Rocks Community College offers high school graduates one of the top Associate’s of Applied Science in Emergency Management Degree programs. One attribute of this college’s degree program is that it is affordable at $154 per credit hour for residents of Colorado. For non-residents, the tuition cost for this program is $503 per credit hour.

3. University of Phoenix: The University of Phoenix is an accredited institution that offers a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration-Emergency Management Degree program to individuals who possess at least a high school diploma. Two advantages of this degree program are that it is offered online and it is affordable at $585 per credit hour.

Details About Emergency Management Salary Ranges

As an entry-level professional in the field of emergency management, an individual can expect to earn an Emergency Management Salary between $20,000 and $50,000 per year. Aside from years in the field, an individual’s geographic location, degree level, expertise, and dedication all impact his/her beginning Emergency Management Salary.

Many individuals who acquire at least an Associates Degree in Emergency Management work for the Department of Defense, the military, the Department of Homeland Security, local fire departments, emergency response teams, and volunteer organizations to name a few. In those departments and organizations, the highest Emergency Management salary is acquired by the following professionals: emergency management specialists, who earn up to $90,340 per year as some of the most common professionals in this field; first responders, and they make up to $39,000 per year; emergency medical technicians, and they possess annual salaries of around $30,396; emergency services planning directors, who enjoy roughly $112,038 per year; fire fighters, who make between $21,000 and $62,000 per year; emergency management consultants, and they earn between $38,000 and $62,000 annually; wind energy operations managers, who enjoy annual earnings of $99,540; and emergency preparedness coordinators, who earn approximately $57,816 annually.