Ways to Help After a Natural Disaster

  • Donate Money
  • Volunteer Your Labor
  • Start A Fundraiser
  • Give Blood
  • Follow Up With Donations

An incident like a hurricane or earthquake, is a powerful force that can be quite devastating, and so many of us want to know how we can help in the wake of a natural disaster. There are lots of ways to be of service to those affected by these tragedies. Some are more beneficial than others. Let’s take a look at some suggestions of how you can do good after such events.

Donate Money

Probably the very best thing you can do at a time like this is to donate money to an organization that is helping victims. It can be a charity that is local to the disaster site or a larger, national entity. It’s always smart to choose one with which you’re familiar and are confident is legitimate. In the wake of these natural disasters, scammers may arise in an attempt to take advantage of people’s good natures. Do some research if you’re unsure. In addition, feel free to choose causes close to your heart, such as animal organizations or those that work on behalf of marginalized populations, if you want to have a specific effect on a certain population.

Volunteer Your Labor

If you live in close proximity of the affected area or can get there with relative ease, your physical labor may be appreciated to help with clean up after a natural disaster. You should first make sure it’s safe for you to get to the area and that travel there wouldn’t place an undue burden on those suffering. Check with local relief agencies for information.

Start a Fundraiser

If you want to donate money, but are currently strapped for cash, you could start a fundraiser. A yard sale or cash jar set up through co-workers are efforts that could really add up. It’s wise to resist the temptation to donate goods like clothing, bottled water or non-perishable food items. While the thought is noble, the money and logistics involved with collecting and distributing such items can actually be quite prohibitive. Any money you donate will be more effective in obtaining these much-needed items and getting them efficiently to those who most benefit.

Give Blood

Donating blood is always something that is appreciated and useful after a natural disaster. It’s easy to do, no matter where you live and organizations like the Red Cross are skilled in arranging to have donations reach those in need.

Follow Up With Donations

Perhaps the thing that people are most unaware of when it comes to helping out after a crisis is how much good it does to follow up with your donations. Clean up and recovery efforts are ongoing. They don’t end when the general public has moved on and forgotten about the issue. Follow up later to give money or services when needed.

These are just five suggestions. When looking for ways to help in the wake of a natural disaster, do your research and give in ways that are most beneficial to those in need if you can.

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