If you’re currently in an emergency management degree program, you may be wondering about the different emergency management jobs out there. Even though the degree may sound very specific, there are actually quite a few different jobs that you’ll qualify for once you have a degree. For instance, you should be able to become an emergency medical technician, an emergency dispatcher, or an emergency management specialist.

Emergency Medical Technician

Although there are many different emergency management jobs, this is the most common one. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, emergency medical technicians care for sick and injured people in emergency situations. Generally, they work full-time and respond to 911 calls during working hours. If you become one, you can expect to have a career full of adrenaline – after rushing to the scene, you’ll have to quickly and efficiently check over the patient and decide how to treat him before rushing him to a hospital. You could end up bandaging wounds to stop the blood flow, doing CPR, or using a defibrillator. You’ll get to help people that are on the brink of death and transport them to a place where they can get additional medical treatment. Without emergency medical technicians, injured and seriously ill individuals in emergency situations wouldn’t have help available.

Emergency Dispatcher

If you want to help people but can’t look at blood without getting queasy or just don’t want quite that much adrenaline in your life every day, think about becoming an emergency dispatcher. There are many different emergency management jobs out there, and all of them are important. Dispatchers answer 911 calls. They talk to people in emergency situations and let emergency medical technicians know where to go and what’s wrong. While you may not be in the same area as the person who needs help, you can still calm them significantly by assuring them that help is on the way. By telling patients or loved ones how to administer emergency care, you can help technicians by giving the thing they need most – time. Dispatchers may not be on the scene, but they save lives on a daily basis, too.

Emergency Management Specialist

Once you’ve gotten some experience as a technician or dispatcher, you might want one of the other different emergency management jobs out there. If you like teaching others, becoming an emergency management specialist may just be for you. Instead of helping immediate needs, you’ll aid people in planning for the future. You’ll get to train emergency personnel to both help them prepare to start a career in the emergency management field and keep them up-to-date with all the training they need. Disaster preparedness and relief agencies will also want to work with you so that they can protect citizens from being affected by disasters. By helping these agencies, they’ll also learn the best ways to help individuals that are devastated by man-made and natural types of disasters. This job is more of a behind-the-scenes gig, but it’s just as important as any other job in the emergency management field.

No matter what you end up becoming, obtaining a degree in emergency management will allow to help people in bad situations. With all the different emergency management jobs, you’ll be able to find your niche.

For more information about obtaining your Emergency Management degree, please visit our “Top 10 Best Online Emergency Management Degree Programs 2014” page.