Emergency Management DegreeIf you’re a person who would like to make a career out of helping people while being able to work for your city or town, you might want to think about going to college and searching for municipal jobs with an emergency management degree. With a degree from an accredited school, you could become an emergency management specialist, an emergency dispatcher or an emergency medical technician.

Emergency Management Specialist

Municipal jobs with an emergency management degree are usually pretty similar from city to city. Emergency management specialists are usually hired by towns and cities to deal with natural and man-made disasters. These individuals might be in charge of collaborating with other workers to come up with emergency plans or showing other people how to respond when a large crisis comes up. They also coordinate with other professionals during times of disaster to make sure that all of the emergency plans are working and being followed. The average emergency medical specialist who works for his or her local government can expect to make around $25.33 per hour according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This works out to an annual salary of a little more than $50,000 per year.

Emergency Dispatcher

This would probably be one of the best municipal jobs with an emergency management degree if you want to help people in emergency situations but would still like a job in an office setting. Emergency dispatchers are the people who answer 9-1-1 calls. They get information from whoever makes the call – the victim or a bystander – and send appropriate help. These workers need to be efficient at getting necessary information, but they should also be empathetic and have people skills so that they can help victims and bystanders stay calm while help arrives. They must also be comfortable giving emergency first-aid instructions over the phone. Some dispatchers may have to work up to 12 hours at a time. If you want to become one, be prepared to work on weekends, holidays or even overnight. While pay depends on the city where you work, you can expect to make around $35,000 or so if you want to have this type of career.

Emergency Medical Technician

Emergency medical technicians, or EMTs, have one of the most popular municipal jobs with an emergency management degree. While emergency dispatchers answer emergency phone calls, EMTs respond to them. Their main duties include giving emergency medical care to patients and transporting them to hospitals. While it depends on which state you live in, you may have to get a license before you can become an emergency medical technician. Most professionals in this line of work can expect a salary of a little over $30,000 per year in exchange for working full-time. Like dispatchers, EMTs can have hectic schedules – working long shifts, on holidays or over the weekend isn’t uncommon. Since EMTs can sometimes end up in dangerous situations, it’s important for them to be able to follow protocol to prevent injury.

Related Resource: TSA Management Jobs

If you want to help the citizens of your city stay safe, getting an emergency management degree is a good idea. There are many types of municipal jobs with an emergency management degree, so don’t stop looking until you find the perfect fit.