For those of you with an Associates of Applied Science (AAS) degree in emergency management, take comfort in knowing that there are several career paths available to you. In fact, law enforcement and the medical industry, as well as fire management, tend to be the three most popular fields that graduates holding this type of degree enter into. Almost all lines of work in the emergency management field will require you to obtain certain types of certification, and possibly go through additional types of training. But AAS degree in emergency management will adequately begin your preparation to enter into any of the following professions.

Fire Fighter

Fire fighters spend their time doing much more than just putting out fires. They also respond to vehicular accidents as well as to other types of emergency situations. Most of the time, fire fighters work under a union contract, making around $60,000 a year. In addition, they also have a great benefits package, including healthcare insurance, a retirement plan and much more. Sometimes, fire fighters have to sleep in their fire houses, meaning they spend anywhere from 24 to 72 hours or more away from home. If you don’t mind being away from home while serving your community, entering into this profession is a great way to put your AAS degree in emergency management to use.

Emergency Medical Technician

As an emergency medical technician (EMT) you will provide quick care to patients who are victims of an accident. The care you provide to them will be provided as they are being transported to a medical facility. In this line of work, you will most likely work under a union contract. You will have great benefits and will make about $35,000 a year. In the past, EMT positions were regularly filled on a volunteer basis; however, over time, due to the extensive training that EMTs have to go through, the growth rate of the available positions has grown rapidly, meaning it will be easy for you to secure a job.

Police Officer

With your AAS degree in emergency management, you will be well-prepared to become a police officer. In fact, this type of degree will give you a competitive edge over other people who are looking to enter into this profession. As a police officer, you will likely make somewhere around $55,000 a year. Your main goal in this line of work is to protect society as a whole, helping those who are in trouble and doing everything you can to prevent crimes from taking place.

An AAS degree in emergency management takes about two years to earn. With this type of degree, you will have many career paths to follow. Keeping this in mind, you should identify your goals and interests, as this will help in determining the exact profession that you should enter into.