An internship is a valuable addition to your resume before you graduate college and start applying for positions in your field. Not only does it give you practical experience in the career you are considering, but shows future employers you have experience in your field, giving you an edge over others applying for the same position.

Bachelor of Emergency Management Program

A Bachelor of Emergency Management program prepares students for a career as a first responder such as an emergency medical technician, fire fighter, or to work with an emergency management organization, such as FEMA. Coursework focuses on planning and preparedness in emergency situations, managing emergency response operations, and principles of emergency management.

Internships for Emergency Management Degree Students

Finding a good internship while you are finishing your degree in Emergency Management will not only give you hands-on experience in the field, but will show potential employers your dedication to the career path.

There are a variety of internships that would be beneficial for a student in an Emergency Management program. In order to choose an internship, it is helpful to have an idea of a career path. For example, if you know you would like to work at a fire department, getting an internship at a firehouse would be ideal. Or if you would like to work with FEMA, an internship in a local, public emergency organization would give you good experience.

Your local emergency services are a good place to look for internship opportunities in Emergency Management. Since the degree program trains men and women to be first responders and emergency services leaders, an internship with people who manage emergencies gives insight into the kind of work you will be doing after graduation.

Contact local emergency services for information about available internships. In addition to being able to give details on internships, emergency services employees may have suggestions for internships that might be particularly helpful for your intended career.

The Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) has a program in place for internships for both current students and recent graduates, which provides valuable information for students looking for a career in emergency management.

Your time in college is to prepare you for your future career. An internship can be valuable to give you practical experience in the field, and looks good on your resume after graduation. Finding an internship with a local emergency service that is related to the kind of work you want to do will give you the best insight into a future career, and when you graduate, you’ll be ready to jump into your dream career in Emergency Management.