The Doctor of Philosophy in Emergency Management is a newer degree path, and you might find that not many schools across the country offer the program. Emergency management directors and professionals work in one of two ways: they identify potential problems that could lead to an emergency situation and they take control after an emergency occurs. Whether or not you earn a PhD in Emergency Management depends on the positions that interest you and the income you hope to one day make.

Job Outlook for Emergency Management Positions

According to theĀ Bureau of Labor Statistics, emergency management directors make a median hourly salary of $28.73 or a median annual salary of $59,770. This doesn’t take into account the senior level management directors and the emergency specialists. Those working in these positions often make $90,000 or more a year. The BLS also found that the rate of growth for this industry is on par with the average rate of job growth reported all across the country and that the industry will see the addition of around 800 jobs by 2022.

Emergency Management Job Description

Emergency management experts work behind the scenes. They often work for FEMA, the federal government and the local government. They are the ones responsible for identifying the potential damages that a hurricane, tornado or another natural disaster can do to a city or an area. Earning a Doctor of Philosophy in Emergency Management can help you land a senior position right after finishing your degree program. Managers and directors also determine what cities and regions can do to better prepare residents for a potential problem, how to reduce the impact of those disasters and they run practice drills for cities. After a natural disaster, emergency management organizations work with different groups, government agencies and organizations to control the situation, protect citizens and reduce the impact of the disaster.

Available Jobs

Emergency management positions typically fall into one of several categories, and not all of those jobs require a Doctor of Philosophy in Emergency Management. Emergency dispatchers notify workers when an emergency occurs and sends workers out into the field, while emergency management specialists travel across the country and focus on showing government agencies and people how specific threats can impact their towns. The Department of Homeland Security also hires a number of emergency management personnel to prevent international threats and to protect the country. You may also find work at a nonprofit organization or in a hospital.

Making Your Decision

There are less than 10 colleges in the country offering an advanced degree in emergency management. North Dakota State University, Saint Louis University, George Washington University and Georgia State University are just a few of the schools with a PhD program available. If you hate the idea of moving away from your family and friends, you’ll also find a few online programs that you can complete in your current city. Not everyone working in this field has a PhD, but earning your doctorate can help you work your way through the ranks quickly.

Emergency management workers reduce the impact that international threats and natural disasters have on cities and regions across the United States. While many positions do not require a Doctor of Philosophy in Emergency Management, some students find that they need an advanced degree for employers to consider their applications for higher paying positions.

For more information on earning your Emergency Management degree, please seeĀ Top 10 Best Online Emergency Management Degree Programs.