disaster simulation is a simple exercise that may be used to ensure an agency knows how to respond to an emergency. This article explains how an agency may choose to start their exercises, along with ideas about the intervals that may be set for each emergency situation.

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What Is The Simulation?

The simulation is a choice made by a company or agency that aligns with their worst case scenario. They must make choices that ensure they are preparing for the things that will cripple them the most. A business or agency may choose to prepare for a cyber attack, or they may choose to prepare for a flood, hurricane, tornado or tsunami.

How Often Do Exercises Happen?

The exercises must be planned in regular intervals that everyone in an agency or a business may predict. They may place the exercises on their plans, and they will know it is prepared for their benefit. The company or agency must be perfectly-honest with its employees, and they will have a schedule that is easy to understand. Preparing for the exercises is equally-important, and the agency must prepare for each one in a unique way.

How Do Agencies Prepare?

Agencies must prepare by bringing in those who will make preparations given their professional expertise. The agency must have someone working on the program that will offer the best representation of what the problem will look like. They will launch a cyber attack or plan a catastrophe that is much like what could happen if the weather shifts. The plan will help the agency know what to do when there is a major problem in their area, and they may have everyone respond in a specific way.

How Long Do The Exercises Last?

Exercises that are meant to prepare for something catastrophic must last for at least an hour as the people in-charge will check off their list of things to take care of. They will know what they are looking for in each person who responds, and they will help train the people who work for them. They may show the people on the staff what must be changed about their response, and they may continue to hold exercises as often as they like until they have the response they are looking for.

Are All Exercises Announced?

There are situations in which the exercise must not be planned, and they will be a surprise for everyone who is there. The people who are in the office will be shocked just as they will be when the disasters happen, and it is quite important they are responding in the way they would at any other time. The exercise offers a better look at what would happen, and it will give the people in the office an idea of how prepared they are.

The exercises started by an agency must be held in regular intervals, and they must be planned just as any other exercise is. They will help the agency gauge their ability to respond, and they will show the agency that they are prepared for what may come if the weather shifts, there is an attack or there is a disaster.